Tick Tock...

It’s been a minute since I last posted. More like 10 minutes. On the plus side, so far my family is muddling through these 19 ghastly pandemic months (and counting) mostly unscathed—or only slightly scathed. It’s been just a broken foot here, a tech meltdown there, a few “can’t you for once stop working and listen to me!” screams from the under-eight set in the house (they’re well within their rights). While we, meaning I, plot the return of a more active Crunch Time, I’m thrilled to announce the publication of the book Tick Tock: Essays on Becoming a Parent After 40. I wrote an essay in there, amid the three dozen pieces in this well-timed anthology, beautifully edited and compiled by Vicki Breitbart and Nan Bauer-Maglin. It’s published by Dottir Press and officially comes out on Sept. 21. Please pre-order your copy now.